I've decided to pull out all the stops and sell one copy of my novel per week. I realize that this may sound like a completely unrealistic and "pie in the sky" sort of a goal, but I've never been one to back away from the difficult things. It's like JFK said, "We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard."
From Writing to Public Speaking
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by startups, weakened caffeinated bloated, hunching themselves over glowing screens at night looking for a syntax error, filthyheaded coders burning for the algorithmic connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of Steve, who overworked and malnourished and burned-out and tired stayed …
A Long Swim in Hell
What writing death notices taught me about writing

I’ve been a professional writer for 22 years. The first time my writing was published was in 1993, when I was the circulation manager for a small weekly newspaper in Detroit. The full-time reporters considered the job of writing death notices to be beneath them, and shoved it off onto me. I loved it. Each …
My Writing Cave Quest

A couple months ago, I started a writing group. My vision for the group was that once a week, my writer friends and I would get together to write, talk about writing, act stupid, and share stories. I named the group the Hemingway and Gump School of Writing. I chose a location that served beer and coffee and …
What’s it like to be the 32,284th most popular author?

According to Amazon, there are only 32,283 authors who are more popular than me (on Amazon) today. Updated hourly, this number has fluctuated in the range of 20,000 to 40,000 over the last few months. With somewhere around 5 million titles in the Amazon database, I figure there are at least a million different authors I […]
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Maybe I’m America’s 2nd Next Best Bartender?

Last weekend, a reality show called “America’s Next Best Bartender” had a casting call in Sacramento. As someone who is interested in booze production, serving, and consumption, I decided to go and see if I was America’s Next Best Bartender material. There was also some prize money attached to the title, which also helped persuade …