So, I just noticed that I lost a bunch of early posts, because I didn’t have this thing set up to archive…damn. I think it’s fixed now, and I actually may be able to find those old posts. Not that anyone but me cares…but I care.
taking over the world
Still not smoking. 41 days! Tuesday, Margaret and I started a diet. I’m working on kicking my exercise program up a notch or three. This is MY life and I’m taking over from all these bad things. Next steps: more creativity, more focus, more fame. Success is a process. Concrete steps: guitar lessons (got to …
quit smoking!
I quit smoking again! This time for good. I’m 4 days into it. I’m really looking forward to having fun and not worrying about whether I have smokes or when I’m going to smoke! Since I’ve been wanting to make a list of all the things I want to do in Sacramento anyway, I thought …
We moved! We now live in lovely Sacramento, California. Who am I even talking to? If anyone does read this site…you might wonder why I post so infrequently. The reason, dear non-existant reader, is that I just plain and simple am spread way too thin on the web, writing and maintaining many many different personal-type …
Our house is for sale as of Feb. 1. We’re excited to be moving the process forward, but at the same time, we’ve just started to feel like we’re a little bit connected to this house and to Austin. We have friends here now, and we really didn’t when we first started thinking about moving. …
no fucking around in ‘02
Happy 2002. The official Minnick motto for this year is “No fucking around in 2002”. Margaret gets the credit for “penning” it. We’re very excited about this new year (and new motto). We drove to Michigan for X-mas and New Years. Another great time. We spent plenty of quality time with the family, went to …
new CDs, party, N.O.
I got a few new CDs with gift certificates that I got for my birthday: The Legendary Marvin Pontiac. Pure genius. The Wipeouters. Also amazing. I’m noticing now that there’s a connection between these two selections, that also hooks up with the events of last weekend in a wierd way. I won’t spell it out, …
what happened to the future?
sigh. I’ve let nearly a month slip by without posting anything again. I’m making an effort not to think, talk, or read about politics for a while. I’m conflicted as to whether that’s a good thing to do or a bad thing…here’s my thinking: There’s really nothing I can do except make damn sure to …