too much to do

Need to focus. I have too many projects going on right now. Don’t believe me? Check out my list:

Gunrack CD (design case, print things, try to distribute)
Buck-o CD (record songs, make cd, try to distribute)
Mudflap (write songs, record)
Gangster Fun documentary project
Chris Minnick videos archiving project
Sacramento Indymedia (help get it up and running)
Green Party (do stuff I’m supposed to do as their co-webmaster)
Sacramento Theater research (I want to know about the old movie palaces in the area, and about opening a theater, I’m also making a mini-site about this)
180 Gs CD (work with david and Negland to get this done) (keep making the site better and updating)
Small Car Driving radio (do regular broadcasts)
New film (write one and film it)
find ways to quiet our office (silent PCs, better desks with soundproof cpu holding areas?)
work on garage
Lighting project with Paul
research Alaska fishing trip with Dad
figure out how to expand/change the business (strange that the only thing here that makes money is this low in my list!)
learn to paint
learn to draw comics
learn to play guitar for real (take lessons)
learn to use final cut (video editing)
keep this site updated
get in shape (I’m 10 pounds lighter than when I last wrote, and 2 months into my quit!)

I feel like there are other things that I’ve left off this list. I’ll come back and add them when I remember. For now, how about I figure out how to get one or two of these done with and will be my progress diary.

Money and business things need to come first. PCs and office will be silent before end of October. Minnickweb will have something like a plan in place (and will visit a counselor if necessary) in about the same timeframe.